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I Thought I Knew How: A Podcast about Knitting and Life

Dec 21, 2021

In this episode, Anne speaks with Nic Corrigan and Ed Sutcliff of Project Lonk. You originally met Nic and Ed in episode 66 when their Kickstarter to produce yarn from Ed's flock of rare breed Lonk sheep was still in full swing. A lot has happened since then! Listen to learn how their work to create highly local wool...

Dec 7, 2021

Welcome to season 6! In this episode, Anne fills you in on everything that went on during the hiatus as well as the things that are coming up, and she shares her thoughts on The Shetland Trader, Book 3: Heritage. You've seen the images of the projects, but is the book worth a buy? Have a listen!

Links to Things...

Oct 19, 2021

In this final episode for season five, Anne speaks to Cecil Tait of Paparwark Furniture about the new yarn line he and his wife Jennifer are producing from their flock of Shetland breed sheep. She also takes you through Morehouse Open Farm Day and talks about her time at Rhinebeck on Saturday.
Links to Things...

Oct 5, 2021

In this episode, Anne breaks down like an overtired 9-year old coming home from summer camp, because that’s basically what she is. But aside from that, you’ll also meet Mandy Moore, a new designer based in Shetland who is also a sample knitter for many familiar designers. Have a listen!

Links to Things Mentioned in...

Sep 22, 2021

In this episode, Anne talks about the upcoming Shetland Day of Knit+Escape, tried to clarify a bit about Virtual Shetland Wool Week, and has an interview with Barbara Cheyne, a knitter and knitting teacher and trustee of the Shetland Textile Museum!

Links to Things Mentioned in the Episode

Garths Croft...